23rd December, 2012
SEI has collected some data from different organizations for different maturity levels and has observed that on average a 20 month time was required by all organizations achieving CMMI Maturity Level 3 from CMMI Maturity Level 2.
Time duration for completing a Maturity Level target depends on following factors:
But again this time can be lesser or more depending on the actual implementation status at the organization and the targeted maturity level.
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How to select a target Maturity Level?
Rajendra's LinkedIn Profile
Rajendra is a qualified and certified Lead Appraiser and Instructor for the following :
Rajendra is Lead Assessor for ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), OHSAS 18001 (OHSMS) since 1994
International Automotive Task Force (IATF) approved Lead Assessor for Automotive Standard TS 16949:2009
Lead Assessor for ISO 27001 (ISMS) and ISO 20000-1 (ITSM)
Rajendra has 25 years experience in the industry.