Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) is a process area in CMMI at Maturity Level 3. DAR helps in the selection of best alternative from two or more alternatives. DAR can be applied in projects or at org-level for any kind of decision making which involves selection of best alternative from…
July 20, 2013
Q:- I am a Defect Prevention team member in our CMMI Maturity Level 5 company. We are trying to plot the Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE) metric in our projects. I have a few questions: Our DRE is based on phase level defect injection and detection concepts. If we go closely…
July 7, 2009
An organization may choose to approach process improvement from either the Process area capability improvement approach Organizational maturity improvement approach CMMI models support each approach with a representation.
Software Engineering is not considered an engineering discipline throughout the world when compared to electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. Software Engineering’s brief history has been filled with problems: Cost overruns Schedule slippage Poor performance compared to specification Unsatisfied customers
What you’ll see: Unclear who is authorized to make what decisions? Decisions are made on primarily subjective basis Same issue is “decided†over and over and over…… Rationale for earlier decisions is unavailable when needed to understand the decision later in the project Only a few choices considered for major…
July 7, 2009
What you’ll see: Idealistic approach that assumes “all is well†even when there is evidence that all is NOT well Issues that are known risks to project staff are a surprise to management Every time a new problem manifests, a new management technique is tried
What youll see: Staff attending training courses they dont need Staff avoiding training that is provided Inappropriately-skilled staff being assigned to tasks, often without knowledge of the deficiency Staff arent released to attend training they do need.
Definition isn’t done well….. What you’ll see: Staff resists using the guidance in the standard processes that have been defined Mother of all process manuals†sits on the real (or virtual!) shelf Lots of time being spent getting process waivers Extreme amount of tailoring requested by each project.
What you’ll see: Lots of staff changes in the Engineering Process Group or equivalent Lack of visible senior management support for process improvement activities The things that are chosen for improvement are not aligned with business priorities False starts and rocky implementations of improvement efforts.
What you’ll see: Lots of user change requests before/soon after the product is released Arguments among the technical staff as to what the user “really†wants Released product doesn’t meet user expectations.
Rajendra's LinkedIn Profile
Rajendra is a qualified and certified Lead Appraiser and Instructor for the following :
Rajendra is Lead Assessor for ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), OHSAS 18001 (OHSMS) since 1994
International Automotive Task Force (IATF) approved Lead Assessor for Automotive Standard TS 16949:2009
Lead Assessor for ISO 27001 (ISMS) and ISO 20000-1 (ITSM)
Rajendra has 25 years experience in the industry.