22nd June, 2013
Capability Maturity Model Integration is a framework for process improvement and is developed by Software Engineering Institute. CMMI is divided into different Maturity Levels (1-5) and further these Levels are divided into Process Areas.
Currently there are three CMMI Models available for implementation and assessment. These models are available for organizations involved with Software Development, Service Providers and Organization involved with Acquisitions.
Currently, following three models addresses the needs of above said organizations:
A Maturity Level is like a rating. CMMI Maturity Level is provided when and organization shows the Implementation of CMMI Process Areas and associated Specific Practices during the Formal Assessment (known as SCAMPI Assessment). These Ratings are provided by CMMI Authorised Appraisers.
Organizations not having any Maturity Level are at Maturity Level 1. SEI only provides CMMI Assessment for organizations from Maturity Level 2 to 5.
CMMI Maturity Level 2 and 3 are known as CMMI Low Maturity Levels. Whereas CMMI Maturity Levels 4 and 5 are known as CMMI High Maturity Levels.
CMMI High Maturity Levels require implementation of Statistical Tools for Quantitative Project Management.
A Process Area is a collection of best practices when performed in combination with other practices help in the achievement of a targeted CMMI Maturity Level. For e.g. Project Planning is process area under CMMI Maturity Level 2. Process Areas are further categorised into Specific Goals and these specific goals into specific practices.
A Specific Goal is a required component of model which explains the exceptional attributes which have to be available to comply with the requirements of a process area.
A specific practice is an expected component of model which is believed vital in accomplishing the related specific goal. The specific practices explain the practices anticipated to effect in accomplishment of the specific goals of a process area.
For a more information refer to following pages:
DQS India offers professional CMMI Services like CMMI SCAMPI Assessment, CMMI Training and CMMI Consulting. These services are available to clients across the world including countries USA, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam etc.
Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Rajendra Khare
DQS Certification India Private Limited
Mobile: +91-9810268573
Phone: +91-11-27025910
e-mail: rkhare@dqsindia.com
Please note: Email communication would be preferred mode of communication.
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We have completed CMMI Maturity Level 3, shall we continue to CMMI Maturity Level 4 and 5 or stop here?Next Post
Step by Step – How to check the CMMI Maturity Level of an organization?
Rajendra's LinkedIn Profile
Rajendra is a qualified and certified Lead Appraiser and Instructor for the following :
Rajendra is Lead Assessor for ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), OHSAS 18001 (OHSMS) since 1994
International Automotive Task Force (IATF) approved Lead Assessor for Automotive Standard TS 16949:2009
Lead Assessor for ISO 27001 (ISMS) and ISO 20000-1 (ITSM)
Rajendra has 25 years experience in the industry.