16th February, 2017
For the above-mentioned question, CMMI Consultants may take inputs from the following:
Acquisition Requirements Development (ARD) process area is to collect, study and examine the requirements of the end user and the requirements mentioned in the contract.
Acquisition Requirements Development involves the following activities
Following are some examples of input to the Acquisition Requirements Development:
Outputs created during the implementation of the Acquisition Requirements Development activities are as under:
The above is not an exhaustive coverage of the Acquisition Requirements Development (ARD) CMMI Process Area but is substantive enough to create a good foundation of the Acquisition Requirements Development process in an organization.
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CMMI for Services Blog Special Series: 20th Part: This blog series on the cmmiconsultantblog.com is a systematic and structured coverage of CMMI Process Areas starting from Maturity Level 2 to Maturity Level 3: using CMMI–SVC, Version 1.3, as the Reference CMMI Model: As CMMI Consultant, during CMMI Consulting assignment if you are asked about the steps, inputs and outputs of Organizational Training (OT) Process Area, what would be your response:Next Post
CMMI for Services Blog – Special Series for High Maturity: 1st Part: This blog series on the cmmiconsultantblog.com is a systematic and structured coverage of CMMI Process Areas for CMMI Maturity Level 4: using CMMI–SVC, Version 1.3, as the Reference CMMI Model: As CMMI Consultant, during CMMI Consulting assignment if you are asked about the steps, inputs and outputs of Quantitative Work Management (QWM) Process Area, what would be your response:
Rajendra's LinkedIn Profile
Rajendra is a qualified and certified Lead Appraiser and Instructor for the following :
Rajendra is Lead Assessor for ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), OHSAS 18001 (OHSMS) since 1994
International Automotive Task Force (IATF) approved Lead Assessor for Automotive Standard TS 16949:2009
Lead Assessor for ISO 27001 (ISMS) and ISO 20000-1 (ITSM)
Rajendra has 25 years experience in the industry.